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The complete solution for circular saw repair

We introduce our solution for the repairing of circular saws with tungsten carbide teeth:

  • ELITE SOLDAmaq 1200: Welds and removes the carbide tooth using electrical resistance. Suitable for the repair of circular saws.
  • ELITE SOLDAmaq HF: Ideal for repairing carbide teeth when the welding volume is high and/or we also want to manufacture saws. It welds by high frequency, which allows much faster soldering and desoldering, with the optional accessory pyrometer sensor you can control the welding temperature.

Once the new tooth has been welded, both lateral flanks must be grinded to give them the trapezoidal shape so that the saw can cut again. For this, we have 3 models of side grinders:

  • ELITE GBT 750 Manual operation, with a single grinding wheel, it is the ideal grinding machine for customers who have a sporadic repair of saws.
  • ELITE GBT 850: Our automatic grinding machine with double grinding wheel that allows grinding both sides of the saw blade at the same time.
  • ELITE GBT 851: For those customers with a high volume of saw repairs. It incorporates two additional CNC axis that allow the centering of the cutting angle and axial angle to be automatically done.