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Sharpening process of TCT circular saws

Sharpening process of TCT circular saws

How to choose the best carbide tooth circular saw sharpener for your business?

Circular saws with carbide teeth are the most used for cutting wood and aluminum.

At ELITE, we have two models that can easily meet the needs of your sharpening business: the SVG 850 and the MD 650. But which one do you need?

Sharpening circular saws for cutting aluminum

Sharpening circular saws for cutting aluminum

Within the sharpening of circular saws with carbide inserts, we can distinguish two different types of sharpening depending on the use that we are going to give to the saw:

  • Saws that cut wood, melanin and the like
  • Saws for cutting aluminum and PVC

In this article we will focus on the sharpening of saws for cutting aluminum.